Trust is difficult to earn but easy to destroy, this is why it is one of the main issues around infidelity that people have the most trouble getting over. Sometimes people are able to get over the affair review but are never able to trust that person or anyone after that.
As difficult as it is, there are things that you can do to make it a little easier.
1. Stop lying.
One of the biggest hindrances to getting over an affair is someone who thinks they can still keep things from their partner. At this point in the relationship, both parties need to lay everything out on the table and meet each other on equal ground. From then on, there should be no more secrets. Keeping things from each other will only make recovering more difficult SharekAlmore and let's face it, you want to have an honest relationship with your partner.
2. Don't get defensive.
Saying things and pointing fingers in an attempt to defend your cheating actions will get you no where in trying to recover your marriage. Your partner needs time to get over what you have done and part of getting over it is being able to berate you from time to time. There is a lot of anger and resentment involved and you should allow your partner to express themselves when they need to. If you fight them on it, you will be setting yourself back because they need to be able to do this openly.

3. Cut off all ties with the affair.
I can't stress this enough. If you want to rebuild trust with your partner, you cannot be around that person in any form or fashion. Change your phone number, change your work place, move to a different place. What ever it takes to ensure that your partner will never have to worry about you going back with that person again.
4. Answer all questions.
Your partner will want to know things about your affair that you might not be willing to talk about but this is an important step in rebuilding trust. Your partner needs to know now that you are willing to be completely honest and it will start with answering all the questions about the affair. Just be completely open and honest and don't be afraid. Your honesty now will pay off if you are seeking to restore your marriage.
5. Be available.
You need to be available to your partner at all times. If they call, you have to answer and be where you said you would be. Your partner should be able to ask about any part of your life and you have to answer honestly. In other words, you have to be 100% accountable to your partner in all things. If you cannot do this, you are asking someone to trust you based on nothing and this will not work.
6. Don't do it again.
Chances are you might be tempted again but a second time cheating means you are not committed to the relationship you are in and it would be best for you to leave. All you have to do to resist temptation is focus on your marriage, focus on what you have. You and your partner have put a lot of time and work into your marriage and it will continue to take time and work.